Pulso enables you to comply with your legal obligations as an employer, and to tackle stress and other psychosocial issues at the workplace.
Our WOD® PSRA (‘Psychosocial Risk Analysis’) tool is specifically conceived for a psychosocial risk analysis, measuring the well-being indicators which are emphasised in the European legislation related to employee well-being: stress, burnout, undesirable behaviours at the workplace (mobbing, harassment), and absenteeism. Additionally, it includes the full range of potential psychosocial risk factors at the various levels of the work situation – factors at task, team, management and organisation level which may impact employee well-being.
With the online dashboard of the WOD® PSRA you get a complete view of the well-being of your employees – their stress level, their risk of burnout, undesirable behaviour at the workplace and absenteeism- as well as the risk factors in the workplace that may influence this. We offer you a unique tool that gives you a clear insight in your strong points and priorities, and which allows you and your managers to take appropriate actions.
The experienced Pulso consultants guide and support you through the whole process of your project, from A to Z, and define - together with you - the most appropriate actions to improve the well-being of your employees. Pulso can also support you in implementing and evaluating these actions.
Read more about the WOD®.
Read more about our method and approach.