Estimate the risk of burn-out within your organisation, overall and for each individual employee, and receive immediate feedback and advice.
The burnout assessment tool (BAT) is a comprehensive self-test to estimate the risk of burn-out by mapping burnout complaints. It assesses how often the 23 items associated with burnout occur, spread over the four core dimensions of burnout: exhaustion, cognitive impairment, emotional impairment, and mental distancing.
The tool also allows to interpret the scores on the core dimensions as well as to the total score, based on clinical cut-off values. Three categories are distinguished, using a traffic light visualisation: green (no risk of burnout), orange (at risk of burnout) or red (very high risk of burnout).
It can be used for individual as well as group assessment. Pulso provides a digital version, which can be used as a stand-alone tool or as a module complementary to the WOD™. This version includes immediate individual feedback with advice to employees, as well as a company report through the online dashboard of the WOD™ tool.
The BAT was developed by the research group Work, Organization and Personnel Psychology of the KU Leuven (Schaufeli, W., De Witte, H. & Desart, S., 2020).
Interested in learning how BAT can help you detect and avoid burnouts? Get in touch with us.